Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Immigration The Land Of Dreams - 1499 Words

America is labeled as the land of dreams, where every single person is supposed to have an equal shot at becoming something greater than he or she are at that moment. This land is filled with dreamers trying to make a living and to make their â€Å"American dream† come true. Most of them are immigrants. What is an immigrant? What makes someone an immigrant? Nowadays, an immigrant is a person who is not a citizen of the country he or she are living in and are on a visa or the lack of one. According to Bureau of Consular Affairs, U.S. Department of State, a visa is â€Å"...a travel document issued by the traveler’s country of citizenship.† It is a sticker that is applied on the passport and it gives one port of entry to legally enter the country that he or she has chosen. There are essentially two different kinds of immigrants, legal and illegal. But in this country the amount of attention the illegal immigrants get is outrageously massive to the legal immigrants, who have worked extremely hard to get here and most likely spent fortunes to come to this land. This bitterness comes from the author, a legal immigrant. She has been living in America for around fifteen years now out of her twenty year life and she is faced with an option that appeals to no one. If she does not receive her green card, permanent residency, by the time she turns twenty-one, she will become an illegal immigrant and would have to leave her family and life behind because on paper she is not an â€Å"American†. Who isShow MoreRelatedThe Legalization Of Legalizing Immigration Reform1488 Words   |  6 PagesSchmidt Speech Debate 25 May 2014 Legalizing Immigration Reforms I. Introduction A. America, to everyone around the world – even to those who have not stepped on its land, is acknowledged as the Land of Opportunity, a place applauded and revered for its allocation of freedom and equality among its inhabitants. Because of this, those seeking to flee poverty and lack of resources to sustain their lives come this country to experience the American Dream. One might ask, however. why the presenceRead MoreThe American dream, an idea spread throughout the world, that coming to the United States would900 Words   |  4 PagesThe American dream, an idea spread throughout the world, that coming to the United States would give people ultimate freedom and opportunity for prosperity, and success with hard work. James Truslow Adams once said in his book The Epic of America, â€Å"The American Dream is that dream of a land in which life should be better and richer and fuller for everyone, with opportunity for each according to ability or achievement. It is a difficul t dream for the European upper classes to interpret adequatelyRead MorePro Illegal Immigration1348 Words   |  6 Pagesof their current lifestyle. Often times this ends up in illegal immigration, which has more positive effects than people are led to believe. At one point in time America relied on outsiders so much that they were willing to enslave them in order to. Like many other settler societies, the United States, before it achieved independence and afterward, relied on the flow of newcomers from abroad to occupy its unsettled lands. They had land and capital but lacked people to do the farming, lumbering, miningRead MoreThe United States : The Dream Act Was Introduced By Senators Dick Durbin And Orrin Hatch900 Words   |  4 PagesImmigration has been a part of the United States history since its birth. America is a country that was found and built by immigrants. In the beginning everybody was an immigrant. There were people from all over the globe coming to America with the hope for a better life—which still holds true today. There are countless reasons that people are wanting to come to America today. Some immigrants are fleeing radical governments, while others are escaping countries that are torn with civil war. Read MoreIllegal Immigration Is A Problem That Affects All Americans964 Words   |  4 PagesAmerica in search of the American dream and freedom of the promise land. Back in the late eighteen to early nineteen hundreds the government encouraged immigration. The reasoning for this was because America was growing and their territories were expanding they were in need of help with the continuing growth of our country. Ellis Island could see up right to over a thousand immigrants a day and they were welcome with open arms. America has always been viewed as the land of opportunity where everyoneRead MoreImmigration Senior Project1544 Words   |  7 PagesSenior Project Immigration Obama’s Immigration Reform Xihara Rosario Class 172 Mrs. Prysler Northeast High School Outline 1. Introduction What is my topic? Why I chose it? What do I already know about my topic? What I expect to learn? 2. Body Definition of Immigration Types of Immigration The first habitants in United State were Immigrants Immigration reform issues right now Implements that reform needs to happen Immigration outcome and implications for AmericansRead MoreSynthesis Essay Eng 1021126 Words   |  5 PagesFoundation America Was Built On In Amy Chua’s essay, â€Å"The Right Road to America† she argues the point that immigration is a great value of this country and that America was built from immigrants. One thing differs from Chua’s essay than from others because she not only gives highly credible facts on how immigrants have helped our country, but she also provides ways to improve the issues of immigration into America. Amy Chua is a highly credible professor at Yale and states throughout her essay that immigrantsRead MoreThe American Dream985 Words   |  4 PagesAmerican Dream has been around for several years, but still the question lingers: is the â€Å"promise† to the immigrants being fulfilled? Many argue that America is the land of greater opportunities and freedom. However, in the news, the only stories that are reported are the immigrant success stories, not the ones who failed. It does not take into account the new ideas erupting in the government, and the racial bias immigr ants are faced with. Although some may claim that the American dream is beingRead MoreWe Must Support Illegal Immigrants Essay1202 Words   |  5 Pagesthat enter the country illegally are here to find a better future. As more and more undocumented immigrants pour into this country, stricter laws are being passed which in terms becomes a controversial issue. The United States is well known as the land of opportunity. Many immigrants come here to work and live a better life. For immigrants that cannot enter the country legally, the end result is to enter the country illegally. The majority of undocumented immigrants â€Å"do often take some of theRead MoreThird, Terrorism Damaged The Concept Of The Land Of Opportunity.1264 Words   |  6 Pagesterrorism damaged the concept of the land of opportunity. The terrorism factor has changed the American approach to immigration as much as the immigrants approach to America. For the Americans, immigration has become a threat to the United States rather than an opportunity and an advantage. Normally, differing moral values and differences in cultural, socio-racial, economic, and political ideology each contribute to the differences between Americans aver immigration . But the 911 syndrome transformed

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